You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. . . and you shall love your neighbor as yourself.

Matthew 22:37-39

We envision a church actively carrying out its mission to Worship God, Love people, and Grow Christ followers.

  • We envision being a church who values Christ and His mission as of first importance so that all our programs and practices advance His will and kingdom. We strive to be a church who holds the essentials of the faith tightly, while holding non-essentials loosely. 

  • In our gatherings, we envision people experiencing God’s presence, taking a step closer to Christ, and being sent out empowered by the Spirit so that our faith extends beyond our facilities. We seek to be a people of God’s word and prayer- directed by the Spirit in every area of life. We envision believers of diverse backgrounds, generations, and ethnicities serving God and one another through their varied experiences, gifts, and styles.

  • We dream of loving our community in such a way that the unchurched are drawn to Jesus and the community is blessed through us in a tangible way. We strive to be a church who stewards our facilities, finances, people, and technology to grow Christ followers locally and around the world.

  • We envision clear “next steps” that guide newcomers into becoming active, growing church members and ministry leaders.

  • We envision raising up Christ-like leaders and developing clear, accountable, leadership structures that facilitate ministry and church growth, a unified pursuit of mission, and effective use of volunteers. 

  • We dream of local and international partnerships that reflect and advance the world-wide promise of Christ’s Kingdom.

What we believe:

The Holy Bible

The Church recognizes The Holy Bible as the sufficient rule of faith and practice, and holds that living in accordance with the teaching of Jesus Christ is the true test of fellowship.  Each member has the right to follow the Word of God according to the dictates of his/her own conscience under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  The following statement of faith expresses the spirit in which the Church interprets the Word of God.


We believe in God, the Father, infinite in wisdom, goodness, and love, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is seen and unseen; and in Jesus Christ, His Son, our Lord and Savior, who became flesh by being born of the Virgin Mary.  Thus in the Lord Jesus Christ divine and human natures were united in one Person, who for us and our salvation lived and died and rose again and lives evermore at the right hand of the Father.  He shall come again to complete His saving work and to fulfill the eternal plan of God; and we believe in the Holy Spirit, who indwells us, and reveals Christ to us, empowering, renewing, comforting, and inspiring the people of God.

We believe that these three persons of Father, Son, and Spirit are one God.

The Image of God

Men and women were created in the image of God in order to worship and fellowship with God.  By their own choice, Adam and Eve sinned against God and brought sin and death upon the human race.  From that point on, all people have chosen to sin against God and are separated from Him.

Salvation by Grace through Faith

Salvation from sin and to eternal life is a gift of God’s grace through faith in Christ and His work – not a result of our own works.  Jesus is God’s only provision for reconciling humanity to Himself and the gospel is the announcement of Christ’s death, burial and resurrection for that saving reconciliation.  Salvation results in a changed life through the power of the Spirit and a continual putting off of sins.

The Church

We believe in the universal church, a living spiritual body of which Christ is the head and all reborn persons are members.  We believe in the local church, a gathering of believers in Jesus Christ who have covenanted together to worship and serve God and His mission.

Your word is a lamp to my feet
    and a light to my path.

Psalm 119:105

Staff / Leadership

Joe Greene

Lead Pastor

Pastor Joe received his Ph.D. in Biblical Studies from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and also holds a Masters of Divinity from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has served churches for 25 years as a pastor and church planter in Massachusetts and North Carolina. Pastor Joe also teaches as an adjunct seminary professor throughout the world, going to such places as the Netherlands and Ukraine. Joe and his wife of 27 years, Wendi, reside in Holyoke.

Gail Gingras

Church Administrator

Christine Holesovsky

Director of Worship

Christine (Chrissy) Holesovsky has been serving at SBC since 2005. She and her husband Nathan have two children: Annalise and Jude. Chrissy received her undergraduate degree in Spanish from UMASS and her Master of Arts in Teaching Spanish degree from the University of Southern Mississippi. She works full-time as a high school Spanish teacher.

Peter Yoon

Assistant Pastor

Family Ministry Director

Peter serves as the Assistant Pastor at Second Baptist Church. He received his Masters of Divinity and Master of Theology from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. He gets excited about serving in the local church especially in multiethnic and multigenerational congregations.. Peter and his wife, Esther, have three children: Joseph, Yohan and Elliana. When he is not working, he enjoys going on a run in nature, playing sports with his sons, and hanging out with his family, preferably outdoors. 

175 Years of

worship, love and growth.

Where we’ve come from:

June 24, 1849

Reverend Asahel Chapin and forty-two members constituted Second Baptist Church in Holyoke. 


Members of Second Baptist had a vision and a challenge. They made the decision to come “across the river” to South Hadley and be named, Second Baptist Church of South Hadley.

The Next 30 Years

The church would grow into its new building and expand in its new location.  A great deal of this expansion occurred during the ministries of Pastor Donald Bradley, who was then succeeded by his son, Pastor Ryan Bradley.



After serving as interim pastor, Dr. Joe Greene became the settled pastor of Second Baptist Church. We are excited for this new season under Pastor Joe’s leadership.

Church Government

We acknowledge Jesus Christ as the Head of this Church. Its government is vested in its members. The Church affirms its desires to cooperate with other Christian bodies that share our core convictions and mission

Denominational Affiliations