Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events



AWANA comes from 2 Timothy 2:15 and stands for “Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed.” Since 1950, AWANA has grown from a one-church program into a ministry that includes more than 10,000 churches in the United States and another 1,300 in more than 100 countries worldwide.  Local churches reach hundreds of thousands of young people every week.  Our goal is to use the Awana ministry to reach boys and girls with the gospel of Christ and to train them to serve Him.

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Potluck Sunday

Potluck Sunday

Bring a dish to share and enjoy the company!

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Next Gen Growth Group

Next Gen Growth Group

NextGen Study: Begins today at 11:45am in large classroom.

Inviting all parents with kids in high school and younger. Parents will have fellowship and bible study in the large classroom while kids can play in the gym with supervision. What better place than to start in the beginning. We will dive deep into the book of Genesis with discussion and study! Contact peter@sbcsouthhadley.com

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AWANA comes from 2 Timothy 2:15 and stands for “Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed.” Since 1950, AWANA has grown from a one-church program into a ministry that includes more than 10,000 churches in the United States and another 1,300 in more than 100 countries worldwide.  Local churches reach hundreds of thousands of young people every week.  Our goal is to use the Awana ministry to reach boys and girls with the gospel of Christ and to train them to serve Him.

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Next Gen Growth Group

Next Gen Growth Group

NextGen Study: Begins today at 11:45am in large classroom.

Inviting all parents with kids in high school and younger. Parents will have fellowship and bible study in the large classroom while kids can play in the gym with supervision. What better place than to start in the beginning. We will dive deep into the book of Genesis with discussion and study! Contact peter@sbcsouthhadley.com

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AWANA comes from 2 Timothy 2:15 and stands for “Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed.” Since 1950, AWANA has grown from a one-church program into a ministry that includes more than 10,000 churches in the United States and another 1,300 in more than 100 countries worldwide.  Local churches reach hundreds of thousands of young people every week.  Our goal is to use the Awana ministry to reach boys and girls with the gospel of Christ and to train them to serve Him.

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Next Gen Growth Group

Next Gen Growth Group

NextGen Study: Begins today at 11:45am in large classroom.

Inviting all parents with kids in high school and younger. Parents will have fellowship and bible study in the large classroom while kids can play in the gym with supervision. What better place than to start in the beginning. We will dive deep into the book of Genesis with discussion and study! Contact peter@sbcsouthhadley.com

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AWANA comes from 2 Timothy 2:15 and stands for “Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed.” Since 1950, AWANA has grown from a one-church program into a ministry that includes more than 10,000 churches in the United States and another 1,300 in more than 100 countries worldwide.  Local churches reach hundreds of thousands of young people every week.  Our goal is to use the Awana ministry to reach boys and girls with the gospel of Christ and to train them to serve Him.

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Next Gen Growth Group

Next Gen Growth Group

NextGen Study: Begins today at 11:45am in large classroom.

Inviting all parents with kids in high school and younger. Parents will have fellowship and bible study in the large classroom while kids can play in the gym with supervision. What better place than to start in the beginning. We will dive deep into the book of Genesis with discussion and study! Contact peter@sbcsouthhadley.com

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Taking Care Group

Taking Care Group

This year we are studying the Sermon on the Mount, we are searching and finding how it applies to our caregiving.

For the month of March will be studying Matthew 5:4. Blessed are those who mourn because their loved one, although still alive, is slipping away due to dementia, for they will be comforted.

Meeting inside the church. Please contact Susan Labonte for any questions: 413-519-3284.

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GreifShare Training

GreifShare Training

Rayanne Neveu will be coordinating the effort to bring GriefShare to Second Baptist Church. Volunteers are needed! You need not be a pastor, or a counselor or in the medical field. You do need to have compassion for the grieving and be willing to talk with people. I am hoping to have 1-3 volunteers to co-lead a class. It is a very structured program with DVDs and workbooks, we add the warm smiles and lead the group through the program. 

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Taking Care Group

Taking Care Group

This year we are studying the Sermon on the Mount, we are searching and finding how it applies to our caregiving.

For the month of March will be studying Matthew 5:4. Blessed are those who mourn because their loved one, although still alive, is slipping away due to dementia, for they will be comforted.

Meeting inside the church. Please contact Susan Labonte for any questions: 413-519-3284.

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AWANA comes from 2 Timothy 2:15 and stands for “Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed.” Since 1950, AWANA has grown from a one-church program into a ministry that includes more than 10,000 churches in the United States and another 1,300 in more than 100 countries worldwide.  Local churches reach hundreds of thousands of young people every week.  Our goal is to use the Awana ministry to reach boys and girls with the gospel of Christ and to train them to serve Him.

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Youth Group Fundraiser

Youth Group Fundraiser

The youth group will hold a fundraiser on February 16th during coffee hour. They will prepare and serve a meal. All proceeds will go to the youth group (retreats, mission trips, etc.). Come and support the youth group!

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AWANA comes from 2 Timothy 2:15 and stands for “Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed.” Since 1950, AWANA has grown from a one-church program into a ministry that includes more than 10,000 churches in the United States and another 1,300 in more than 100 countries worldwide.  Local churches reach hundreds of thousands of young people every week.  Our goal is to use the Awana ministry to reach boys and girls with the gospel of Christ and to train them to serve Him.

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AWANA comes from 2 Timothy 2:15 and stands for “Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed.” Since 1950, AWANA has grown from a one-church program into a ministry that includes more than 10,000 churches in the United States and another 1,300 in more than 100 countries worldwide.  Local churches reach hundreds of thousands of young people every week.  Our goal is to use the Awana ministry to reach boys and girls with the gospel of Christ and to train them to serve Him.

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