This year was so very different and as a result, our Awana year was very different too. We are asking you to take this survey to help us understand what we did well or where we need to improve to continue to give your child(ren) the best Bible Study program we can. Note that every question is optional, as this entire survey is optional. Also note that there are no dropdown boxes, so you need to comment on each question (even if just with a Yes or No). This was done intentionally so you can provide additional information about that answer if you like. Anything you tell us will be helpful and we truly appreciate your time in helping us provide the best program we can.
NOTE: This survey is completely anonymous! We have absolutely no way of knowing who you are if you choose to remain anonymous. However, please use this optional section to tell us who you are if you would like us to know or if you ask a question or tell us about a concern (last question of this survey) and would like us to respond to you.
Did your child(ren) enjoy Awana this past year?
Do you feel the program enhanced your child’s educational level and love for the Bible?
Was there anything in particular you or your child enjoyed that you would like to see again next year?
Was there anything you or your child did NOT like that you would like to see changed next year?
Did you Zoom any of the club nights?
Was it a helpful option knowing Zoom was available in case your child was unable to attend?
If you missed any particular club night, did you go back to the Club Resources page on the Awana website to watch the recorded Zoom lessons?
Did you ever visit our Awana webpage? If so, do you have any recommendations for improvement or anything you would like to see in addition to what is already there?
Did you find the weekly text alerts helpful? Is there any communication you would have liked to see (or not see) via the text alerts?
Are Friday nights still a good option for Awana next year? If not, which night would you prefer?
Awana club this year was only an hour long but traditionally ran from 6:15pm-8:00pm. If you had your choice, how long would Awana be and what times would you hold it?
Do you have any recommendations or requests for next club year (beginning Sept 2021)?
Would you be interested in a parent’s/guardian’s ministry during the Awana club nights next year (to be held while your children are attending Awana) for us to connect with one another and share our Christian knowledge, love, and experiences?
Please use this section to give us constructive feedback about the Awana program. Remember that your survey answers are anonymous – we have no way of knowing who you are. Please be honest but be kind. Some things to comment on: church facilities, club materials (books, uniforms, etc), policies, communication (text, email, verbal), leaders and staff, etc. You can also use this section to ask any questions or tell us about any concerns you had/have and would like to have them answered to you directly (if you filled out the personal info in the first question) or indirectly (via the Commander’s Update page or other means).