Messages from Susan McSpadden, Awana Director


Ashley Rhodes, Awana Co-Director

Ashley with her husband Justin, and their children Oliver (6), Tobias (4), and Baby Joy

Susan with her husband John, and their children Elizabeth (11) and Alliette (9)

Blessings to you my Awana families and volunteers! I am so grateful you have found my place to communicate important things. This is where I will keep you all updated on things currently happening or my thoughts for future happenings. Feel free to EMAIL ME comments, suggestions, or private thoughts on our ministry or this website.

Traci Jaco wrote: “Tonight, during the message my nine-year-old son, Jay, came to the realization that the children who were not on the ark didn’t make it. He looked at me with such a sad, questioning face. All I could say was, ‘Their parents didn’t make sure they were on the ark.’ The weight of that statement is still weighing on me. Of all the things I do, NOTHING is more important than making sure that my children find their way to a relationship with Jesus.”

Please join me in ensuring our children make it onto the ark.

Below are important updates to read about our weekly program. Please check back often. The most current update will be in bold letters and on top so you can find it easily.

Update September 19, 2024
Welcome!  We are excited for Second Baptist Church's 20th year of Awana and are making changes to reflect current levels of volunteers and registered children. Whether you are an Awana veteran or new to our ministry, I think you will find all the information below helpful. It is a long email (I’m so sorry) and packed with everything I can think of to answer any questions you may have and everything I feel you need to know to fully enjoy our ministry. As always, please reach out to me if you have any concerns or other questions.

***For those of you who have been with us for several years, you only need to read the Uniforms/Books/Dues portions, which I have included first.  Everything else is the same.

Uniforms are required this year. Each night your child(ren) remember to wear their uniform, they earn points (which are used as dollars to spend on fun items during our two Store nights - see Points paragraph below for more info). Uniforms can be purchased on the first day of Awana, where we will have uniforms and books available for purchase.  Uniforms prices are as follows: Cubbies Vest: $13, Sparks Vest: $14, T&T shirts: $16


All clubs have a book that needs to be purchased this year.  Cubbies handbooks are $13, Sparks books are $12, and T&T books are $12 and all will be available for purchase the first few club nights.  In addition, we ask all children to bring their Bibles each club night (it also helps them earn points). If they don’t have one, we have age-appropriate Bibles for purchase.

Dues are $.50 per clubber per night. The clubber can bring their dues in each night or bring $14.00 for the entire year (cash or you can write a check for $14.00 made out to Second Baptist Church with “Awana” in the Memo).  For each night your clubber remembers their dues, they earn points for Store. Dues are used to help offset the cost of awards and parties and other fun things we do.  

Text alerts
If you signed up for text alerts, I will add you to a group text. I try to use this option sparingly and only once a week. I will use it for weekly reminders that we have Awana club or don’t have club and anything special going on for the night (like having club in pajamas, food drive night, wacky hair day, a party, etc). I will also use it for weather cancellations. I only ask that if you have a question or comment, please send me a separate text so everyone’s phone is not buzzing for multiple texts they may not need.

Dropoff/Pickup times and location
Dropoff is at the gym entrance between 5:45-6:00pm. The gym entrance is the door on the right if you are in the parking lot looking at the building with rte 202 to your left. When you enter the building, please check your child(ren) in (at the table set up right when you walk in) so we can ensure accountability in the event of an emergency and it is also how we keep track of points.  Club starts promptly at 6pm in the gym with the opening ceremony, which includes group prayer and the Birthday Dice Roll. From 6:10pm - 7:20pm, children are with their respective clubs and will have their lesson, gym/game time, a snack and an activity. At 7:20pm, we meet back in the gym (sometimes the sanctuary) for the closing ceremony, which includes awards, announcements, and group prayer. You are welcome to join us for the opening and closing ceremonies. You are also welcome to stay during club time or just drop your child off at the check-in table.  Please ensure you check out your child(ren) so we can ensure they are going home with an authorized person (these people are the ones listed as the guardians in the registration form).  If a person other than one listed on the registration form is picking up, please let us know so we can release them without delay.  This is for the safety of all children.

The calendar is up on the website, but I have included a copy here for your convenience. There are a few changes from last year, so please check the calendar often to see what we have going on. Now I am a mom of two clubbers myself, so I know how busy life can get and how easy it is to forget to check a calendar to see what I need to do to have my child enjoy their night at Awana. Not to worry!  This is exactly why I offer the group text - so you get a timely notification of what is going on in case you forget to check the calendar. I also plan to print a copy of a Calendar for each clubber to keep in their books for your convenience.

Points System
Twice a year, we have “Store” night, which is when our clubbers can use their points like money to purchase items set out in our Store. There are many opportunities for clubbers to earn points. See the handbook for a complete list, but just a few include: 50 points (for each category) if they attend club, wear their uniform, bring their Bible, pay their dues, and bring an item in for the food drive. For example, in one night, if they attend (50pts), bring dues (automatic every night if they have already paid for the year)(50pts), wear their uniform (50pts), bring their Bible (50pts), and bring an item for the food pantry (50pts), they can earn a total of 250 points just for that one night.

With more clubbers in attendance this year and our volunteer staff being limited, our discipline policy will be very important to ensure that each clubber has the opportunity to learn without extensive disruption. Please review this policy in the Handbook, which will tell you that the third time we have to talk to your child about his/her disruptive behavior, we will need to have a conversation before the child can return to club. If you know that your child may have difficulty paying attention and needs extra attention to avoid being disruptive, please consider staying with that child throughout the night to help them. We want our time together to be productive and fun for everyone.

Allergies/medical concerns/behavioral concerns

If your child has allergies, please let me know how you want us to handle these allergies.  During each club night, the snack cart rolls around with a variety of snacks, many of which may contain the allergies/intolerances your child has.  While we strive to give each child the exact medical care or dietary needs they require, it is just impossible given our limited volunteer force.  Please reach out to me to let me know how you would like us to proceed.  If your child has no allergies but has behavioral concerns, please reach out to me to discuss the concerns and how we may proceed.  Again, our volunteer force is extremely limited this year.  We will do our very best but need your help advocating for your child with their individual and specific needs.

The webpage is the most up-to-date place to find information. You can review the Parent Handbook, see the Calendar, view our photo gallery, and read my current notes/updates. Just go to and click on Awana at the top.

If you signed the photo/video release in the registration, you gave me permission to use your child's photo for various uses.  Please know that I only do 2 things with these pictures - I upload them to the Awana Webpage gallery for you to enjoy, and I use them in the end-of-year video (this is a video I create so you can see all the fun things the kids did all club year).  I do not post Awana pictures to FaceBook or YouTube or anywhere else.  As a mother of two clubbers, I understand how important it is to protect our children.  If you did not sign the release but would like to give me permission, please let me know via email.

Due to a shortage in our volunteer force, we are unable to offer a Puggles program (ages 2 - 3.5).  We are very sorry and hope to find a volunteer in the near future.

I would like to introduce you to Ashley Rhodes, who is my Co-Director this year.  Miss Ashley was a T&T teacher last year and has substituted for Sparks.  She has two boys in the program and has welcomed a new baby girl into the family this year.  You might see her around or helping me with anything and everything.  She can be reached via the Awana email (we both receive the emails and check them regularly).

That is all I have for now - please contact me if you have any questions at any time! Thanks so much!  I look forward to another great year!

Many Blessings,

Susan McSpadden
Cell (508) 561-6795
Awana email:
Personal email:

Update September 3, 2024

Welcome to another exciting Awana year! We are gearing up to bring you our best year yet and are so very excited to share the Word of God with your children. We are working on updating our webpage to reflect the new year and hope to have it fully updated within the next week. This year, I would like to welcome Ashley Rhodes, who is joining us as Co-Director. I am grateful for her time and help so we can offer our families a successful and fulfilling year. We will begin our year on Friday, October 4th and continue every Friday from 6:00pm - 7:30pm. Our returning families can expect a year very similar to last year, but be on the lookout for an email asking if you would like to register the same children this year as last year. For new families, please check back next week for our updated registration link. As always, you can email me at or call me at (508) 561-6795. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Update March 6, 2024.

The year is quickly coming to a close and soon we will be saying goodbye until next year! If your child has missed any lessons and would like to earn the end-of-year book award, please visit the Club Resources Page or see your child’s leader to make up the lessons. I sent an email last month to inform all parents/guardians on which lessons their child(ren) missed and how to make them up. Please let me know if you have any questions about this and I will be happy to help. Check out our Calendar for some important upcoming dates, like our Resurrection Party, Hawaiian Day, Store, and our end-of-year Awards ceremony and party. Everyone is invited and we hope you join us to celebrate our wonderful year of creating disciples!

Update October 5, 2023.

We are so excited to be starting our new Awana year this Friday, October 6, 2023. We will meet from 6:00pm - 7:30pm almost every Friday (check the calendar for nights we are not meeting and for nights we have special things going on). We have a lot of registered children this year, which is such an amazing blessing. This means we have to make a few minor changes. I have included below a copy of the email sent to the parents and guardians of registered children. Hopefully this will answer a lot of questions, but as always, you can contact me at any time. Have a Blessed Year!

Welcome!  We are excited for another year and are making changes to reflect current levels of volunteers and registered children. Whether you are an Awana veteran or new to our ministry, I think you will find all the information below helpful. It is a long email (I’m so sorry) and packed with everything I can think of to answer any questions you may have and everything I feel you need to know to fully enjoy our ministry. As always, please reach out to me if you have any concerns or other questions.  ***For those of you who have been with us for several years, you only need to read the Uniforms/Books/Dues portions, which I have included first.  Everything else is the same.

Uniforms: Uniforms are required this year. Each night your child(ren) remember to wear their uniform, they earn points (which are used as dollars to spend on fun items during our two Store nights - see Points paragraph below for more info). Uniforms can be purchased on the website or just see me or text/call me.

Books: Both Cubbies and Sparks have a book that needs to be purchased this year (which can be done on the website or coming to see me before club begins). Although there are books for T&Ts (3rd grade-6th grade), we have found it is easier to create a weekly newsletter with the lesson. We follow the book and one is available to purchase if you like, but we aren’t requiring it for T&Ts (Puggles don’t have a book). In addition, we ask all children to bring their Bibles each club night (it also helps them earn points). If they don’t have one, we have age-appropriate Bibles for purchase.

Dues: Dues are $.50 per clubber per night. The clubber can bring their dues in each night or bring $14.00 for the entire year (cash or you can write a check for $14.00 made out to Second Baptist Church with “Awana” in the Memo).  For each night your clubber remembers their dues, they earn points for Store. Dues are used to help offset the cost of awards.

Text alerts: If you signed up for text alerts, I will add you to a group text. I try to use this option sparingly and only once a week. I will use it for weekly reminders that we have Awana club or don’t have club and anything special going on for the night (like having club in pajamas, food drive night, wacky hair day, a party, etc). I will also use it for weather cancellations. I only ask that if you have a question or comment, please send me a separate text so everyone’s phone is not buzzing for multiple texts they may not need.

Dropoff/Pickup times and location: Dropoff is at the gym entrance between 5:45-6:00pm. The gym entrance is the door on the right if you are in the parking lot looking at the building with rte 202 to your left. Club starts promptly at 6pm in the gym with the opening ceremony, which includes group prayer and the Birthday Dice Roll. From 6:10pm - 7:20pm, children are with their respective clubs and will have their lesson, gym/game time, a snack and an activity. At 7:20pm, we meet back in the gym (sometimes the sanctuary) for the closing ceremony, which includes awards, announcements, and group prayer. You are welcome to join us for the opening and closing ceremonies. You are also welcome to stay during club time or just drop your child off at the door (we will have a staff member greet them and help them inside) and pick them up at the door at 7:30pm.

CHECK-IN and CHECK-OUT:  Due to the number of registered children we have this year, we had to change our check-in and check-out procedures.  When you enter the building, please see the volunteer at the table (it will be set up by the entrance) to check in your child.  We use this list for accountability in the event of an emergency.  Before you leave, please see the same table to check out your child so we can ensure the child is going home with an approved pick-up parent/guardian.  The parent/guardian allowed to pick the child up will be the two contacts (or emergency contact in the event of an emergency) listed in the registration form.  If this is different, please let me know.

Calendar: The calendar is up on this webpage. There are a few changes from last year, so please check the calendar often to see what we have going on. Now I am a mom of two clubbers myself, so I know how busy life can get and how easy it is to forget to check a calendar to see what I need to do to have my child enjoy their night at Awana. Not to worry!  This is exactly why I offer the group text - so you get a timely notification of what is going on in case you forget to check the calendar. I hope this helps you but if it doesn’t, I am happy to remove you from the group text.

Points System: Twice a year, we have “Store” night, which is when our clubbers can use their points like money to purchase items set out in our Store. There are many opportunities for clubbers to earn points. See the handbook for a complete list, but just a few include: 50 points (for each category) if they attend club, wear their uniform, bring their Bible, pay their dues, and bring an item in for the food drive. For example, in one night, if they attend (50pts), bring dues (automatic every night if they have already paid for the year)(50pts), wear their uniform (50pts), bring their Bible (50pts), and bring an item for the food pantry (50pts), they can earn a total of 250 points just for that one night.

Discipline: With more clubbers in attendance this year and our volunteer staff being limited, our discipline policy will be very important to ensure that each clubber has the opportunity to learn without extensive disruption. Please review this policy in the Handbook, which will tell you that the third time we have to talk to your child about his/her disruptive behavior, we will need to have a conversation before the child can return to club. If you know that your child may have difficulty paying attention and needs extra attention to avoid being disruptive, please consider staying with that child throughout the night to help them. We want our time together to be productive and fun for everyone.

Webpage: The webpage is the most up-to-date place to find information. You can review the Parent Handbook, see the Calendar, view our photo gallery, and read my current notes/updates. Just go to and click on Awana at the top.

Photos/Videos: If you signed the photo/video release in the registration, you gave me permission to use your child's photo for various uses.  Please know that I only do 2 things with these pictures - I upload them to the Awana Webpage gallery for you to enjoy, and I use them in the end-of-year video (this is a video I create so you can see all the fun things the kids did all club year).  I do not post Awana pictures to FaceBook or YouTube or anywhere else.  As a mother of two clubbers, I understand how important it is to protect our children.  If you did not sign the release but would like to give me permission, please let me know via email.

Puggles: Our church as a safety policy that asks parents to be the only one to change their child's diapers.  If you have a child in diapers, we ask that you remain in the church or nearby in case your child is in need of a diaper refresh.

Security:  Due to our increased numbers, we have added a few members to our team from Second Baptist Church’s Safety and Security Team.  You may see these people around the entrance during our club times. They are there strictly for our safety and security and we are grateful to have them.

That is all I have for now - please contact me if you have any questions at any time!

Update August 26, 2023.

Welcome! We are gearing up for another terrific year of creating disciples and are excited to share our love for Jesus with your children. We are starting this year on Friday, October 6, 2023 and will continue to meet at our normally scheduled time of 6:00pm - 7:30pm. The webpage is updated with registrations open. Please Contact Me if I can be of any assistance or answer any questions you may have. I look forward to seeing you and your children in October!

Update September 14, 2022.

It is almost time!  We are so excited to begin our new Awana year, which starts on Friday, October 7th and runs every Friday (until May 19, 2023) from 6:00pm – 7:30pm  at our church located in South Hadley.  Check out the current CALENDAR to see which nights we have club, when we don’t, and the special nights we have going on. 

This year, you will see a few changes, including the time (which has changed from a 60 minutes  to 90 minutes), snack being offered due to the increase in the club meeting time, uniforms being required, the ability to pay dues up front for the year, and a few fun nights being added!  Please see the sections below for more details on what has or has not changed.

Club Nights: Club runs most Friday nights from October 7, 2022 through May 19, 2023.  Arrival is 5:45-6:00 and the opening ceremony begins promptly at 6:00pm.  The opening ceremony will last approximately 10 minutes and will consist of prayer and birthday kids rolling the Club Dice to try to gain extra points for their respective Club to spend at STORE.  At 6:10pm, we break out into our respective clubs and have our lesson, snack, activity, and gym game time.  The last 10 minutes (7:20pm – 7:30pm), we will gather once again for awards, announcements, and closing prayer.

Snacks:  Snacks are back!  Due to the longer club night, we have decided to offer snack time.  It is very important that you list any allergies your children have in the registration form

Uniforms: Uniforms are required and can be purchased using the ORDER FORM.  If you are not sure what you need for your child, feel free to send me an email or call me and I will be happy to help you!  For each night that your children remember to wear their uniform, they will receive points they can use to spend on items during our STORE night.

Dues:  Dues are $.50 per night per child.  Each night your children remember their dues, they will receive points that they can use to spend on items during our STORE night.  If you would like the option of paying up front for the entire club year, the dues are $13.50 per child (payable by cash or check made out to Second Baptist Church with AWANA in the Notes section). 

Books/Bible: In the past, we have always required each clubber (Cubbies, Sparks, TNT) to purchase a lesson book.  However, a few of the clubs (Sparks and TNT) have decided to continue teaching lessons with the weekly sheet as opposed to the book.  Books are still available for purchase if you choose.  Bibles are highly encouraged.  For each night that your children remember to bring their Bibles, they will receive points they can use to spend on items during our STORE night.

Special Nights: Please check out our CALENDAR to see what specials we have going on each night.  We have added back a few fun nights, such as Minute-to-Win-It, St. Patty’s Day Green, Wacky Hair Day, and Backwards Night.  At least once a month, we will have a pajama and food drive night, which allows us to collect food for our community’s pantries.  If you are signed up for text alerts, you will get a weekly text reminding you of our Awana night and anything special you need to know for that night.

Update September 7, 2022. Welcome back to another exciting Awana year! We are hard at work getting ready to offer your children a safe and fun place to learn about Jesus Christ. I am updating the webpage for the upcoming year and hope to have everything ready to go by September 15th. We will start our Awana year on Friday, October 7, 2022 and each club night runs from 6:00pm - 7:30pm. Please check back soon to see more updates!

Update March 25, 2022. It is hard to believe we only have 6 more Awana nights left! Our in-person club nights are running very successfully and safely. With COVID being less of a challenge these days, we are finding it is no longer necessary to offer the Zoom option. Therefore, effective this week, we will discontinue the Zoom option and uploaded recordings. If the state of the pandemic changes again in the future, I will revisit the Zoom option.

Please join us on Friday, May 20th, 2022 from 6:00pm - 7:30pm for our final Awana night! We will enjoy pizza and cupcakes together, share in our successes during our Awards ceremony, and end the night with some running around, bouncehouse fun, and enjoying each other’s company. All parents/guardians are invited and encouraged to come. As always, please contact me via my cell (508-561-6795) or email ( if you have any questions or concerns.

Update March 5, 2022. Second Baptist Church (SBC) follows the Town of South Hadley’s COVID Protocols. As of Saturday, March 5, 2022, the mask mandate in South Hadley was lifted and masks are optional. SBC has given program leaders the option to keep or remove the mask mandate in their programs. After much prayer, careful thought, and evaluation, I feel our Awana program is low-risk due to several factors, including number of children in attendance, the space we have available to spread everyone out, and historical experiences concerning our current program. Therefore, I will be lifting the required mask mandate for Awana nights beginning Friday, March 11, 2022. As always, when masks are not required, children/volunteers are most welcome to wear them and may continue to social distance if they/their guardian(s) feel it safest to do so. You can read the updated COVID policy here. Please reach out to me via my cell (508-561-6795) or email ( should you have any questions or concerns. Thank you so much for your patience and cooperating during these rapidly changing times.

Update December 19, 2021. I am so proud to announce that Awana is going very well this year! We have managed to overcome the challenges presented by the pandemic and are making way in creating disciples. The kids are having fun and have been an utter joy to teach! Watching them grow has been an experience filled with excitement and joy and we are very much looking forward to ringing in the New Year with more rewarding club nights. Be sure to check out the photo gallery for a peak at some of the fun we’ve been having!

Update August 23, 2021. We are so excited to offer our ministry this year to all families looking to enrich their children with the blessings of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Awana year will begin on Friday, October 15, 2021 and end on Friday, May 20, 2022. The format will look the same as it did last year. We will meet from 6:30pm - 7:30pm most Friday nights (check out the current calendar for club nights and no club nights). Dropoff and pickup procedures will be the same (parents drop off their children at 6:15pm at the right side parking lot entrance and pick them up at 7:30pm). Once you have registered, I will be emailing more details on how the nights will run.

We are happy to be able to offer Cubbies (ages 3.5 up to Kindergarten), Sparks (Kindergarten through the second grade) and T&Ts (3rd grade through the 6th grade) this year. We are unsure yet if we are able to offer a program for our Puggles (ages 2 - 3.5) but I will keep this forum updated on that progress. Please fill out a registration form and call or email me if you have any questions! We can’t wait to get started!

Update May 21, 2021. Thank you so much for a wonderful Awana year! Our End-of-Year Survey is now live. Please help us improve our program by taking the survey. As always, contact us for any questions, concerns, recommended improvement areas, or for anything else we might be able to help you with! Have a Blessed Summer!

Update May 8, 2021. Hard to believe the year is almost over! I’m so proud of our volunteers, our clubbers, and our families for how hard they have worked this year. It was certainly different and it was certainly challenging, but we made it through and I feel we did a great job. Our last club night is Friday, May 21st. Although it won’t look anything like the last club night we have enjoyed for years, we are going to try to make it special for our clubbers. Thank you to everyone who has supported our program through these difficult times. God is so good!

Update March 10, 2021. The Awana year is well under way and we are making progress making disciples! If you have missed any lessons or just want to check them out, you can visit our CLUB RESOURCES Page and click on any week’s lesson. All Zoom sessions are recorded and uploaded to this page the next day.

Easter is right around the corner and we are already working on the Easter Story! On Friday, March 26th (our last Awana before Easter because there is no club on Good Friday), we will be offering your children a special adventure in the form of a pajama movie night on the big screen! We will be showing the Easter Story from the SuperBook series off of RightNow Media.

Due to lack of resources, we are still unable to offer a Puggles or Cubbies program for your 2-up to Kindergarten children. We are so very sorry but hope to pick back up where we left off in the new Awana year (beginning in September 2021).

Update December 7, 2020. Happy Holidays! To celebrate this joyous season, we are planning a few special extras. Next week (Dec 11th), we will be doing a special Christmas craft and writing Christmas cards to children confined in hospitals this Christmas. The following week (Dec 18th), we are inviting our children to share a special Christmas message with us in their Holiday pajamas or clothes. We will all come together in the gym the last half of the evening for a fun, socially-distanced game of Holiday Pictionary! They will leave that night with a special treat.

For both weeks, we are having a non-perishable food drive for our local pantries. Every child that brings an item in to place under our Food Drive Tree will be given a special treat at the end of the night. Thank you so much for your support!

Update November 4, 2020. With this webpage being new, I would greatly appreciate any feedback you have that will make it better. It is there for you and only works if you use it. I welcome any and all comments.

After a series of meetings with my leaders, we believe we have created safer and more friendly arrival and departure procedures. So this is how we would like it to go. Please ask your child to use the restroom before arriving. While the restrooms will be available, this will help minimize surfaces touched. Between 6:15pm and 6:25pm, parents/guardians will drive up to the gym door (facing the church from the parking lot, it is the door on the right). We will always use this door for dropoff and pickup. Please stay in your car as you wait your turn to drop off. When you pull up, you will be met by a leader, who will take each child's temperature and ensure he/she has a mask on. If a mask is forgotten, we will have disposable ones ready for them to use. Once your child has been confirmed to have a temperature (taken with a touchless forehead thermometer) below 100.4 (per CDC guidelines), he/she will be asked to proceed directly to the gym or large classroom. Upon entering the building, each child will be asked to use the provided hand sanitizer. Another leader will be there to hold the doors open to minimize surfaces touched. Which room they go into will swap every week, so we are ready to direct them to the appropriate room where they will remain for the full hour.

At 7:30pm, all children will be lined up in the hallway appropriately spaced. At that time, you can form a line in your car at the same door and either hold up a sign with your child's name or yell the name out and a leader will escort the child out to you.

We felt these procedures best because it allows for surfaces to be minimally touched and it allows you and your child(ren) to stay in your car where it is toasty warm (and so the cold doesn't adversely affect the temperature being taken). It also allows us to ensure no potentially sick child enters the building and to ensure no congestion forms in the entryways.

Club uniforms are encouraged but not required. If you would like to purchase a uniform, you can do so using the Order Form. Financial assistance is available. Just let me know ☺️.

Friendly reminder: per our COVID policy, if the child or any family member staying in the same household should test positive for COVID, we ask that you let us know right away. At that point we will contact everyone to let you know which club was affected. I will do this via text so you get the information right away.

We will always try to have a Zoom session for each club every club night. If you are remote only, or for any reason you chose to switch to remote only or just can't make the in-person on a given night, just click on the Zoom session between 6:15pm and 6:25pm. The club night will start at 6:30pm, but the earlier logon will allow the kids to introduce themselves or just say hi to their friends for a few minutes. Click HERE-SPARKS to start the weekly Zoom club session for Sparks using the password ‘sparks’. Click HERE-T&Ts to start the weekly Zoom club session for T&Ts using the password ‘t&t’. These are recurring meetings, so the links and passwords remain the same every week.

Update October 24, 2020. We will begin club for the Sparks and T&Ts on Friday, November 6, 2020. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer club for Puggles or Cubbies at this time but will do so when we feel we can do it safely. Club will be held every Friday night from 6:30pm-7:30pm. Parents/Guardians will be asked to drop their child at the door and not enter with them. The door will be labeled red for Sparks and green for T&T if you forget which door it is (it changes every week). I will ask you to drop your clubbers off between 6:15 and 6:25 so we can ensure we have the full hour to do what we want to do. It is not a lot of time to accomplish all we need to, so arriving on time is very important.

On the first Friday, Sparks will enter through the door nearest the large classroom. Sitting in the parking lot looking at the church, it is the door on the left. One of our leaders will meet them with mask and gloves on and a thermometer in hand. They will take the kids’ temps, offer a mask if they don’t have one on, and ask them to proceed directly to the large classroom. They will stay there the entire evening and attendance will be taken once everyone arrives. No snacks will be provided at this time. If you could please ensure your child(ren) have used the bathroom before arriving, it will greatly help us limit the contact areas. In the large classroom, they will have group and activity/craft time. At 7:30pm, children will be escorted outside for parent/guardian pickup at the same door they came in.

On that same Friday, T&T’s will be dropped off at the entrance closest to the gym. Sitting in the parking lot looking at the church, it is the door on the right. Same deal there. One of our leaders will be inside the door to offer masks and take a temp. Clubbers will be asked to proceed directly to the gym where they will have group time and a socially-distanced game. Attendance will be taken when everyone is there and at 7:30pm they are escorted outside through the same door for parent/guardian pickup.

The next Friday, they switch. Sparks will go to the gym so they can do group time and socially-distanced games, and T&Ts will go to the large classroom to have an opportunity to do group time and an activity or craft.

Notice I mentioned masks and socially-distanced protocols. Per our church protocols, masks will be required to be worn the entire time we are in the building and the areas children will be in will be sanitized and configured for socially-distanced activities. The webpage has a button for our COVID/sick policy, and this will be required to be read and agreed to in order to register. When you register, a link will take you to that portion of the page for your convenience.

Please be patient with us as we figure out how to offer your child(ren) the best and safest club experience this year. Things may change weekly depending on how it goes and what we feel we can change to make it better.

Update October 16, 2020. An email will go out to the parents soon to communicate how the weekly in-person and remote clubs will be run. At that time, parents will be asked to review our COVID policy and register each child for club beginning Friday, November 6, 2020. Please check out the rest of the webpage for important information, such as our club calendar, the parent handbook, order form, our photo gallery, or for how to contact us.

To recap here, we will offer both in-person and remote clubs every Friday from 6:30pm - 7:30pm for Sparks and T&T only. At this time, we are unable to safety accommodate Puggles or Cubbies but hope to some time soon. All Sparks will enter the church through one entrance, get their temperature taken, and proceed directly to either the large classroom or gym. All T&Ts will enter the church through the other entrance, get their temperature taken, and proceed directly to the large classroom or gym. Both church entrances will be labeled with which club should enter because it will switch every week. Switching the entrances each week allows both clubs to have an opportunity to do large classroom crafts and activities twice a month and socially-distanced games in the gym twice a month. All children will remain in the same room the entire hour. A Zoom session will be offered in each club for the whole night so those children desiring the remote option will have the opportunity to participate at the same time. All Zoom sessions will be posted to this website on the Club Resources page in case you missed it or would like to review.

Masks will be required! When it is safe to do so and we are properly socially distanced, leaders may allow the kids to remove their masks for a short time. Snacks are not provided and the water fountain is not available, so we ask that your child arrives with their own labeled water bottle.

Update October 12, 2020. Awana announced this week that we will begin our club on Friday, November 6, 2020. We are so excited to see the children in-person and share our love of God. There are a lot of unknowns at this point, so please be flexible and bear with us as we figure out the best and safest way to return to the church for in-person club nights. Stay tuned to this page for updates.